The Essence of Surrender -

An Eye Opening Evening Introduction to Ropes, Domination & Surrendering

Next Dates in Tel Aviv: 19.9.24, 17.10.24, 21.11.24, 19.12.24

Workshop Fundamentals

4 Hours

The Workshop Is Divided Into Four Parts Aimed At Creating A Safe Space To Explore

Who Is The Rigger?

Each Couple Can Choose What Is Best For Them, The Workshop Is Built To Take You Though Both Sides Of The Ropes



Safety First

I'll Be There With You Throughout The Workshop To Make Sure You Have A Complete & Safe Journey

Suitable For Singles & Couples

Any Adult, Open Individuals Willing To Open Them selves To New Exciting Things

Loving Presence

Healthy Boundaries


Join me on a journey to understand conscious kink through ropes. We’ll experience attentive connection with your partnet through opening to vulnerability, surrender and presence.

The Japanese art of Shibari allows us to bring out aspects of domination, sexuality and devotion that society has taught us in many ways that they want to be legitimate. The evening will go through together will allow us to reconnect with passions that may already be dormant. Go through intimacy, sexuality, control and devotion.

In this workshop we emphasize creating a safe space by working with boundaries and presence. This safe space we will create together is what will allow us to go out and play and reveal the mast of this work. We will put emphasis on creating a caring and embracing space our parnership. So that precisely in the place where there is the least control over the direction and we can’t even move our bodies. Precisely there we will feel the safest and at home – this is the essence of working with the ropes!

What Will Take Part In This Experience?

» Knowledge of basic & effective shibari knots
» Rope safety – how to tie and get out safely
» Boundary work – how to communicate my boundaries and how to be within my partner’s boundaries
» Conscious touch – everything is important and meaningful
» Presence – how to reach and stay in a giving/enabling presence
» Deepen the relationship with your partner through a journey towards vulnerability and devotion
» Bindings and ropes as a tool for personal and couple transformation

Facilitated By Youval Cohen Tzedek

Facilitator of shibari workshops since 2018

Creates safe spaces for individuals and couples to explore themselves, explore connection to the body, connection to intimacy and connection to passion.

The workshops are designed in such a way that they can suit a wide range of couples who want to explore, experiment and taste the worlds I enjoy.

I see how the world of knots can be healing and empowering and want to pass this magic on to you.

What Else Should You Know?

Workshop structure:
We will gather at 19:00
We will start with an opening conversation and dive into the art of devotion
From there we will continue with technical tying exercises
And we’ll end up in a free space to play

What to bring with me?
» Ropes will be provided in the workshop and there will also be ropes for sale, however you are welcome to bring your own ropes if you have them
» Wear comfortable clothes as if you were going to a yoga class

Important to know
» There will be contact between you and the partner you came with only
» Activities: There will be independent and paired activities. In each activity you can choose whether to participate or take time for yourself
» Clothes: Come wearing comftorbale clothes like you would to a Yoga class
» Sexuality: the space allows for sexual energy but not full sexual contact (no genital contact).

Those who come undertake to maintain discretion, do not take pictures in the place at all.

Contact me
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me
Facebook: Youval Cohen Tzedek
By email:

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